
Saturday, August 11, 2012

Girl Scout Records

I got a call today from a leader asking me how on earth kept track of who did what.  She was trying to do a spreadsheet and was getting lost in her own details.  My answer is that I use G-Scoutmate software. It allows me to track badges and other awards, service hours, and, perhaps most importantly, banking.  When it comes time for me to do my financial reports, I just print out reports from the software, fill in the Council's form with the numbers and voila... done.

As far as badges, you can input requirements done for multiple girls at one time.  I find it useful to flip through the girls' records periodically to see how far away they are from completing badges.  The software update also includes Journeys, although the software makers must have been as perplexed as everyone else where they are concerned.  The Journeys are listed but without requirements so all you can do is mark off if and when a girl completes a particular Journey.  There is no way to track what steps girls are taking along the way.  The bronze, silver, and gold awards likewise have not been updated.  They still have the old requirements contained in the software.

One thing that I like about the program is that you can print off reports that detail every accomplishment a girl has completed.  I do this every time a girl leaves my troop for whatever reason.  Eventually, I will be giving all my girls a copy for use in writing their college applications.  The software can be purchased at your local council office.  For more information, check here:

A quick search around the web suggests that only G-Scoutmate has even started to generate trackers for the new program.

If you aren't computer savvy, the old standby are paper trackers.  Pinterest has a lot of sources for page trackers.

Feel free to leave a comment and a link if you have a tracking resource.